Apa dan Kenapa Partikel Tuhan?

Penemuan partikel Tuhan pada Selasa, 3 Juli 2012, menjadi tonggak sejarah perkembangan fisika partikel. Dampak bagi orang awam adalah tidak ada lagi penjelasan sederhana tentang komposisi atom. Sebuah atom selama ini dikenal memiliki komposisi yang terdiri dari proton (bermuatan positif), elektron (bermuatan negatif), dan neutron (bermuatan netral). Tapi kini ada lagi tambahan Higgs-Boson.

Jadi apa itu Higgs-Boson?
Sebuah partikel yang membentuk sebuah obyek, baik itu molekul, sebutir apel, sebuah kereta, hingga sesosok manusia, dia adalah massa. Pada dasarnya partikel-partikel yang membentuk suatu atom memiliki sifat berbeda-beda. Salah satu partikel yang terpenting dan bersifat misterius adalah massa yang diungkap dalam teori Higgs-Boson.

Kenapa disebut partikel Tuhan?
Nama populer ini muncul dari perjuangan dan debat panjang keberadaan partikel subatomik. Banyak ilmuwan meragukan keberadaan partikel ini. Munculnya nama partikel Tuhan berawal dari pernyataan fisikawan Leon Lederman dalam buku berjudul God Particle: If Universe is the Answer, what is the question?. Awalnya fisikawan Amerika itu menyebutnya goddamn particle. Tapi editor buku Lederman menolaknya, jadilah god particle.

Sebenarnya peletak dasar teori partikel Tuhan, yaitu Peter Higgs, menolak penamaan itu. Sebab pria 83 tahun itu adalah seorang ateis. Jadi sebenarnya tidak ada nuansa agama dalam partikel ini.

Bagaimana orang awam bisa tahu ini bukan penipuan?
Pertama, penemu partikel Tuhan, Badan Kajian Atom Eropa, CERN, memiliki dua tim independen (ATLAS dan CMS). Mereka melakukan percobaan yang sama, jadi data dapat saling uji dan verifikasi.

Kedua, hasil penelitian di-ranking dari nol hingga lima-sigma. Desember tahun lalu, dua tim tersebut menyatakan data mereka menunjukkan dua level serupa yang membuktikan bahwa partikel Higgs-Boson itu ada. Temuan two-sigma itu bisa diterjemahkan bahwa 95 persen hasil percobaan bukan karena kebetulan statistik.

Lalu apa yang mungkin bisa dikembangkan dari teori ini? Apakah memungkinkan manusia bisa menghilang?
Secara teori, menurut fisikawan Universitas Negeri Arizona, Lawrence Krauss, mungkin. Tentunya jika ada perlakuan khusus yang bisa memanipulasi medan di sekitar partikel secara lokal. Maka bisa terjadi sebuah obyek menghilang, sehingga menjadi sebuah pengembangan senjata yang hebat atau trik sulap yang mencengangkan. Tapi, ingat, jika bisa menghilangkan, tentunya harus bisa mengembalikan seperti semula, yaitu memunculkan lagi.

Apakah mungkin juga untuk perjalanan menembus waktu?
“Tentu”, kata Krauss. Jika medan partikel Higgs-Boson dimanipulasi dalam area yang besar sehingga memiliki energi, maka akan terjadi energi gravitasi yang repulsif. Akibatnya, wilayah-wilayah di alam semesta ini akan bergerak cepat dan memindahkan barang-barang lebih cepat ketimbang cahaya.

Lalu apakah penemuan ini berbahaya?
Nikolas Solomey, Direktur Kajian Fisika Universitas Negeri Wichita, mengatakan tidak ada bahayanya. Sebab, untuk membuat partikel Higgs-Boson, perlu sejumlah energi. Produksinya membutuhkan energi yang banyak dan sangat terkendali penggunaannya. Penemuan kemarin adalah partikel dasar, masih jauh dari apa yang dikhawatirkan menjadi sejumlah massa yang berbahaya.


Bose, Penemu Separuh Partikel Tuhan

Seluruh dunia keilmuwan bersukacita atas temuan partikel Higgs-Boson pada Selasa, 3 Juli 2012. Peter Higgs, sang penemu teori, menitikkan air matanya kala menyaksikan pembuktian formula yang dirumuskan sejak 48 tahun silam itu. Namun sesungguhnya separuh partikel Higgs-Boson adalah milik Bose. Dia adalah ilmuwan yang hampir terlupakan karena temuan ini.

Siapakah Bose? Satyendra Nath Bose nama lengkapnya, adalah fisikawan asal Bengali yang pertama kali bergulat tentang partikel Tuhan ini. Ia bersama fisikawan fenomenal, Albert Einstein, mempelajari fisika kuantum pada 1920-an.

Pria asal Kalkuta itu pada 1924 menyadari bahwa metode statistik untuk menganalisis perilaku termal gas tidaklah cukup. Dia pun meneliti dan mengirim hasil kajian teorinya tentang statistik kuantum ke jurnal Inggris. Malangnya, tulisan itu ditolak.

Tak patah arang, Bose mengirimkan kembali ke Einstein. Einstein, sang penemu teori relativitas itu, ternyata setuju dengan pendapat ilmuwan India ini dan mempublikasikannya di jurnal Jerman. Inovasi dari Bose kemudian dikenal sebagai statistik Bose-Einstein, sebuah dasar untuk mempelajari mekanika kuantum.

Einstein melihat bahwa teori dari Bose itu akan membuka jalan untuk penemuan partikel subatomik. Maka dia pun mendeskripsikan dua kelas partikel subatomik dengan nama “boson” dari Bose dan “fermion” dari fisikawan Italia, Enrico Fermi.

Bose lahir pada era kolonialisme di India, 1894. Semasa hidupnya, ia menjadi dosen di Universitas Kalkuta dan Dhaka. Meski banyak Nobel dari teori Boson, ironisnya, Bose justru belum pernah memegang anugerah tertinggi ilmu pengetahuan itu.

Astrofisikawan dari Satyendra Nath Bose National Center untuk Sains Dasar di Kalkuta, Archan Majumdar, menuturkan era Bose hidup membuatnya sulit terkenal. “Kalau saja waktu Bose menemukan teori, India sudah merdeka, maka dia mungkin lebih banyak dikenal,” ujarnya. Itu sebabnya ia menilai Bose pun layak menerima Nobel.

Selama ini Bose hanya menerima Padma Vibhushan, penghargaan bagi masyarakat sipil tertinggi kedua di India. Bose meninggal pada 1974. Ia meninggalkan dua putra serta lima putri. Pria yang hidup selama 80 tahun itu tak pernah memaksa keturunannya untuk belajar fisika.

“Dia bilang kepada kami untuk belajar apa pun yang kami inginkan, tak ada seorang di antara kami yang belajar fisika,” kata Rabindranath Bose, putra Bose yang berusia 79 tahun.

Rabindranath menuturkan ayahnya mengagumi dua tokoh dunia. Mereka adalah sastrawan Rabindranath Tagore dan Albert Einstein. Dua foto tokoh itu menggantung di kamar tidur Bose.


Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick

For years, this was Paul Fox’s best kept secret. A small gimmick that allowed him to secretly discover the identity of cards
merely “thought of” by one or more spectators.
Consider for a moment these key points…
  1. Nothing, except the deck, is ever seen by the spectators.
  2. The deck may be handled with perfect freedom – nothing is concealed
      on the fngers or in the hands.
  3. There are no duplicate cards.
  4. No false shuffing is required.
  5. There is no memory system nor are any mathematical formulas employed.
In fact, as the ad copy reads, the gimmick does everything except whisper the names of the chosen cards into your ear.
The gimmick supplied with these instructions is based upon Paul Fox’s original design, which was hand-drawn and then
reduced down using a photo-engraving process.  In this new eManuscript, “camera-ready” artwork for the Paul Fox Miracle
Gimmick is provided in a separate high resolution, 300 dpi fle called, “foxgimmick.PDF.” Just output this page to any
COLOR Laser or Ink Jet Printer. For best results, print on White Cover Stock and then, laminate or reinforce by gluing an
additional piece of card stock to the back.
Figure 1
Before you can start on the routines, some minor preparation is required. From
the deck you plan to use, permanently discard any Jokers and the Ten of Clubs
(10C). Next with clear Scotch® tape, attach the left and right edges of the gimmick
to the face of the King of Hearts (KH) and position it, so the gimmick extends
1/32nd of an inch above the top of the card. See Figure 1. This “tab,” in effect,
creates a “long card” that is easily located in the deck whenever necessary.
Note: For the sake of brevity, from here on out, we’ll refer only to the standard
accepted shortcuts for card names.
Once you’ve done that, run through the deck and remove the following fve cards:
7C–6H–2S–9S–10S. Take a look at your gimmick and you’ll see that these are the
same fve cards that run across the bottom (last row) of the gimmick. Next, let’s
mark the backs of these cards, so they can be visually located when spreading the
cards in a  facedown pack. You have two options for marking the cards. You can
either put a small pencil dot in the upper left and lower right corners “or” you can
scratch a small diagonal line through ink of the border at the same corners with
an X-Acto® or other sharp knife. Figure 2 shows both of these marking options.
Just use one or the other – not both.
Figure 2
i n s t r u c t i o n s
 © Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale) TRICKSHOP.COMTRICKSHOP.COM
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
Setting up your deck
We’ll use the gimmick as a sort of “chart” to set the deck up. See
Figure 3.  You’ll see there are fve columns across. Each vertical
column has ten cards from top to bottom. You’re now going to
sort all of the cards into fve face-up piles matching the columns
and order shown on the gimmick – from top to bottom. As a
result, the frst face-up pile will start with the 2H and fnish with
the 7C (remember, the 7C is marked). In the next face-up pile, we’ll
start with the 9D and fnish with the (marked) 6H. Continuing on:
the next ten-card, face-up pile will start with the KD and end with
the (marked) 2S; followed by the 4C through the (marked) 9S; and
fnally, the 10D through the (marked) 10S.
Setting up the cards in this manner assures provides a check and
balance that all of the cards are in their correct pile. Now, we are
going to make sure that all of the cards – except the marked cards
in the set-up are in random order. To do this, pick up the frst pile,
set the 7C aside for a moment, and mix the remaining nine cards.
When you are done, place the 7C back on top of the face-up pile.
Repeat this procedure for the remaining four heaps.
Now we’re ready to stack the deck, so to speak. Pick up the pile on
your far right with the 10S showing and place it on top of the pile
to its immediate left (9S showing); next, place that entire packet
on top of the next pile to the left (2S showing); then, those on top
of the pile with the 6H on top; and fnally, place all of those cards
on the last packet with the 7C showing.
Turn the entire face up deck over. Every tenth card in the face
down deck is now a marked card and the last one, the bottom
card of the deck, is the 10S.
Prepping the card box
You’re almost done. There’s one last bit of preparation, this time
on the card box. Begin by cutting off the two side tabs that fold
over the open end of the card box. See Figure 4. Next, open up
the lid. On a card box, you’ll note the lid has three horizontal
score lines (or creases) to facilitate folding and closing the lid.
Bend the lid on the second score line back and forth several times
to weaken the cardboard and make it more fexible. See Figure
5. Now, add a new crease just above this second score line. The
reason for this will become apparent in a moment.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Vertical Columns
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
Place the KH with the gimmick on it inside the empty card box. The back of the
King should be against the back of the box. Now, carefully fold the lid in and over
the gimmicked card. Push it all the way in and then insert the deck – the fattened
lid separates the gimmicked KH and the rest of the deck.
With the fap still folded in, place the rest of the deck in the card box – these cards
should be facing direction as the gimmicked KH.  During your performance you
can place the deck  in your pocket or leave it on your table.
Tip: If you are starting out with the deck on your table, leave it extending about an inch
out of the box, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
The entire deck is distributed amongst fve different spectators. After the spectators shuffe the cards they hold, they are
asked to mentally select one card from their respective packets. The deck is then gathered up and shuffed  by another
spectator and returned to you. Under these seemingly impossible conditions, you are able to name all fve “thought–of”
Begin by telling the audience that you will have not just one card selected but several. What’s more, to preclude the
possibility of any trickery, none of the audience members will be required to remove a card or write anything down. They
will simply each look at a card and remember it.
As you say this, take the boxed deck from your pocket or table. Remove the deck and casually place the “empty” card
box aside (open end away from the audience) – take care not to expose the gimmicked KH, which is still inside under
the fap.
As you walk among the spectators, run the cards – face down – from hand to hand. Approach a person to your extreme
left and hand him the frst ten cards. Just look for the frst marked card back, ten cards down. Needless to say, this should
be done in an offhand manner without saying, counting or otherwise drawing attention to the fact that you just handed
this person “ten” cards. It should appear that you just gave him some of the cards from the deck completely at random.
Moving from left to right, give another spectator the next group of ten and so on, until fve different spectators are each
holding a packet of ten cards. Have each spectator thoroughly shuffe the cards, he or she holds.
The fact that you handed out the cards to the spectators – from left to right – in the same (columnar) order they appear on
the gimmick makes it easy to remember who has which set of cards.
Tell the spectators in a moment you will turn away and when you do, they should look at the cards they hold and merely
THINK of ONE of them. Say they should not remove that card or point to it, but rather just gaze intently upon it to create
and retain a vivid mental picture in their mind. You should also mention the fact, that by dividing the deck, you have
prevented the possibility of two or more people thinking of the same card.
Once everyone understands what is expected of them, turn your back. Wait about a minute and then ask if everyone has
mentally selected a card and is thinking of it? If the answer is affrmative, turn back toward the audience and have the ffth
spectator or even a sixth spectator gather up everyone’s cards back into a complete deck. Ask this person to shuffe the
cards for good measure. As this is being done, casually pull out the box lid. Do not look at your hands or the box, just do it.
The person shuffing the deck will provide ample misdirection. Continue holding the box, open side up, with the lid hinge
toward the audience. When the spectator is done shuffing, place the cards back into the box so that the KH gimmick is
now face down on top of the deck. Leave the deck in the box.
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
At this point, Paul Fox would mention that he could give the deck to a spectator for safekeeping and then reassemble
this same group at some later point in time – a day – even a year later – and he would be able to REVEAL EVERY ONE OF
THE FIVE CARDS that had been mentally selected. He would then wait until the audience clamored for him to do the trick
“now” before removing the deck again. You can use whatever ploy you wish at this point. The important thing is that you
must create some “time misdirection” here.  Otherwise, there is no logical reason for returning the deck to its case in the
middle of the trick. Of course,  you can also just have the gimmicked card in your pocket, palm it and casually add it to the
top of the deck if you’re comfortable in doing so. Don’t make a big move out of it.
After the gimmick has been added by whatever method you choose, continue with
deck in hand.  Note: The gimmick should be on the short edge nearest you. Remind the
audience that the deck has been thoroughly shuffed. As you say this, give the cards a
casual overhand shuffe – positioning the KH gimmick near the center of the pack. Make
sure you turn slightly to your right and shuffe with the backs of the cards toward the
audience.  Square up the deck and while holding it in the left hand dealer’s grip,  riffe
upward with your thumb on the short edge of the deck nearest to you – when you feel
the gimmick, cut the deck to bring the KH gimmick to the bottom. Figure 7 shows the
KH gimmick on the bottom of the deck. You’ll quickly get the feel for this with just a little
practice. You can now turn your wrist and gesture with the cards in hand,  as shown in
Figure 8 – note the left fngers conceal the gimmick. Turn the deck face down again.
With your right hand, take the deck on your left hand and turn the cards face up towards
you.  Re-grip the deck in your left hand. The KH gimmick is now facing you on top.  Tell
the audience you will run through the shuffed deck and call off the cards as they occur.
Ask those who have selected cards to listen intently for the one they are thinking of.
Caution them, however, not to say anything or make any visible sign when they hear
their card.
PRETEND to read off the index of each card – starting with the KH, which the audience
has just seen. What you really do, is read the top horizontal row on the gimmick along
with the margin cards, as follows: KH–2H–9D–KD–4C–10D–5C–3H–6S–7S–8S–10C. Note,
the margin cards – the KH and 10C are also included. They are, of course, “dead” (meaning
you know no one could have selected either one).  As you call out each card, make sure
to push over a card to the right with your left thumb. See Figure 9. Also,  always hold the
cards close to your body as you read them – this angle of vision causes your eye lids to
lower and conceals the exact focal point of your eyes.
Figure 8
Figure 7
Figure 9
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
After calling out the 10C, stop and ask if anyone has heard his/her card. If no one has, continue on in the same manner
and read off the next horizontal group of ten cards (QD through JC). Then stop again and inquire. Always make sure to
STOP if after each horizontal group is read and inquire whether or not any of the spectators has hear their card.  If they
have not,  repeat the same process.
As soon as one or more people do say they’ve heard their card. Close the deck immediately, turn it over and shuffe the
cards.  Then, cut the cards to return the gimmick to the bottom. This must always be done, since the cards are not in the
position in the deck the audience imagines them to be. Turn the deck face up and while apparently searching through the
cards,  look at the horizontal row just called off and locate the vertical column that matches the left to right position of
the spectator. In other words, you know the spectator who is second from the left selected a card from the second vertical
column. Thus,  if he heard his card in the second horizontal group, you know immediately his card is either the KS or 2C.  
The Paul Fox Gimmick narrows it down to just two possible cards.
Now for the showmanship. Never guess by simply naming one of the cards. In the example just given, you could safely say
“I get the impression you chose a black card.” But DON’T do that! Say rather,  “My impression is that you chose a club?”  
If you do get a negative reply, you can now follow up with a positive and much stronger declaration while putting the
initial fault squarely on the spectator’s powers of concentration.  Ask him to visualize the card in his mind a bit harder
and then say, “Yes, that’s better. I am getting the picture in much more vivid detail now. Wow. That’s great.” Run through
the cards and remove the KS – holding the back of the card to the audience. Ask the spectator to name the card he is
thinking of.  When he names it, ask if he is sure. When he insists he is, say you are sure, too, and dramatically turn the card
toward the audience. Adding that, you knew it was a “black king,” but just couldn’t see the suit clearly enough at frst. The
unmistakable impression you give is, that you know his card all along. And that is just how the spectators will remember it.
The brief miss will seem inconsequential and fade from memory.
If any other spectators heard their card in the same horizontal row,  proceed to reveal those selections in an equally
dramatic fashion. After disclosing all of the selected cards for a given horizontal group, shuffe the deck and cut the KH
gimmick to the bottom and move on to the next group. Note,  the more astute spectators in the crowd will expect to
hear some of the cards previously called out repeated, since the cards have been shuffed. This is easily accomplished by
“peppering in” the names of a few “dead” cards from previous rows. Try to include at least two “dead” cards each time
you read a new horizontal group.
Usually, all fve selected cards will show up by the time you have read two or three or the horizontal groups. However,
if after reading the fourth group, one or more selected cards remain unheard – you can now name those cards without
calling them out frst. Do this by frst announcing that you will dispense with any further calling out of cards and
endeavor to discover the remaining MENTALLY selected cards by sheer concentration alone.  The stronger fnish more
than compensates for the fact that the routine runs a bit longer than usual.  Under no circumstances, should you ever read
out the last horizontal group – since you already know any remaining cards MUST be in it!
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
The spectator looks at and remembers one card without touching it or removing it from the deck. Even so, you are able
to name the mentally selected card.
Begin with the deck set up in the correct order and the KH gimmick in the card case or your pocket.  Remove the deck
and proceed to casually run the cards from hand to hand – briefy showing the faces of the cards. After reinforcing that
all of the cards are different, close the deck. Tell the spectator in a moment you will have him/her select a card.  However,
unlike most card tricks, the spectator will not have to remove the card from the deck. Rather,  he/she is simply to THINK of
any card seen, but not to say anything until you do.
Once the spectator understands the process, hold up the deck in your left hand with the backs toward you and the
faces toward the spectator. Transfer the cards one at a time off the top of the deck from the left to the right hand. After
transferring the frst group of ten cards (every tenth card is marked on the back), ask the spectator if he/she has chosen
a card yet. If not, transfer another ten cards and so on, until the spectator has a card in mind.  When transferring the
cards from hand to hand, be sure to keep the cards in each hand tightly together. This will prevent the spectator from
looking ahead or glancing back into a group previously shown. Always remember which vertical group the selected
card is located in.
Ask the spectator to shuffe the cards. After the deck is returned to you, add the gimmick using one of the methods
previously discussed. The procedure for locating the card remains the same as the fve card routine. Once you discover the
square the card is located in, you are ready to reveal the card. Paul Fox utilized a different and very startling technique to
reveal a single card. Here it is. Locate one of the two cards in the square and lift it up, so the card extends from the spread.
The back of this card is to the audience. Look at the card, if the two cards in the square are opposite colors  – NAME THE
COLOR OF THE OTHER CARD.  For example, if you know it’s either the 10D or the 8S and you’ve extended the 10D. Tell
the spectator you see a black card. If you’re correct, you know immediately it’s the 8S. You haven’t missed, but the card
extending from the deck is wrong – only no one knows that at this point except you. You can continue to name the card
and simply push it back into the deck or you can gaze at it for a moment and then, push the extended card back into the
deck saying “this one is missing a spot.” Locate the 8S, raise it up and say, “No, you weren’t visualizing the seven, it was
the eight…the eight of spades.” Lift the card out and show it to the spectator. If the both cards in the square are the same
Okay, so what if the color or suit you name (depending on the two cards in the square) is wrong? In that case,  the card
now extending from the deck is the selected card. Feign disappointment as you lift the extended card, still back to the
audience, from the deck – taking care not to fash its face.  Say you would have wagered money that the selected card was
the color or suit just named.  Ask the spectator, “What was your card?” After the person names it, simply smile and turn the
card you are holding around to reveal it is, indeed, the card he/she was thinking of.  Or, if you prefer, you can pretend to
“magically change” the card you are holding into the spectator’s.
Note: This same technique can be used to reveal one of the selections in your fve card routine.  
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
After performing the Five Card or One Card Mental Selection, the audience challenges you to repeat the trick, which
you successfully do.
Additional Preparation
If you would like to be able to follow-up with either the fve card or one card mental selection after performing either trick,
you’ll need to set up a second deck in advance.  This deck is arranged a little differently than the frst. While the fve heaps
of ten cards are prepared in the same manner as before, they are assembled or stacked from LEFT to RIGHT – instead of
right to left. This means the 7C will now be on the bottom, when the assembled deck is held face down.
If you are repeating the fve card routine, the heaps are still distributed from left to right as before. In fact,  with one
exception, you can even hand them out to the same people as before. The only person previously holding cards who
cannot be given them again in your follow–up trick is the third person. Since the third or middle heap contains the exact
same cards as before, even with the stacking order reversed.
Keep in mind,  the order of the spectators (who are given packets of cards) from left to right, now corresponds with the
RIGHT to LEFT vertical columns on the Fox Gimmick . This reversal also applies when you repeat the one card routine
as well, since the frst ten cards on top of the deck will be shown in the far right vertical column and so on through
the deck.
In repeating either routine,  always start by reading off the BOTTOM horizontal group frst as follows: 7C–6H–2S–9S–10S–
10C–KH–8H–4D–AD–QC–3D.  You’ll note, once again the two dead cards – the KH and 10C are added to this frst group.  
In addition, by starting with the bottom row of each group, the sequence in which the cards are read is also varied.
Also,  when doing the fve card routine again, don’t forget to add in a couple of dead cards when reading a new row
after shuffing the cards.
Keep in mind that after switching in the new deck, you can follow–up with EITHER the one card or the fve card routine
regardless of which one you performed frst. A good way to switch the decks is to have the second deck in your right
trousers or coat pocket.  No box is needed, just secure it crosswise with a rubber band and leave it standing on end.  When
you fnish with the frst trick, cut the KH gimmick to the bottom and place the frst deck in the same pocket on its side.
The faces of both decks should be toward the body.
If challenged to repeat the trick, reach into your pocket and remove the rubber band before bringing out the second
deck. When the time comes to add the gimmick, simply reach into your pocket and with your right thumb pull the KH
gimmick off the face of the frst deck and palm it. After the shuffed deck is returned to you, add the palmed card on
top and proceed as before. In following up with either routine, DO NOT SHOW the KH gimmick on the bottom this time
after shuffing and cutting the cards. It is not the card called off frst and the audience is certain to remember seeing
it in the frst go round.
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
Using your powers of long distance telepathy,  you reveal the card a spectator is thinking of.
After phoning a friend,  ask him to think of any ONE of the 52 CARDS in a deck. Once he has a card in mind, explain that
you will shuffe a deck and then read off the cards in shuffed order. Tell him not to say anything when he hears his card
mentioned.  Hold the deck near the phone and riffe shuffe the cards a couple of times. Look at the chart on the Fox
Gimmick and read the frst vertical column beginning with the 2H. When you get to the last card in the frst column, the
7C, ask your friend if he heard his card yet.  If he says he did not, move on to the next column to the right and repeat this
process – asking him after the ten cards in each column are named.
As soon as he tells you that he’s heard his card, remember which column the card is located in and then tell him he’s not
concentrating hard enough. Have him write down the name of his card on a piece of paper and focus all of his powers of
concentration on it.  Let him hear you riffe shuffing the deck through the phone again.
At this point, the process is the same as explained in both the fve card and one card routines.  Name the two dead
margin cards frst – the KH and 10C –  and then read the top horizontal row.  It is probably best to read them in reverse
order starting with the 8S and ending with the 2H. Again, at the end of each horizontal row, ask him if he’s hear his card.
If not continue on until he has.  Once again, fnd the point where the vertical column and horizontal row intersect and
you know his card is one of those two.  Make a preliminary guess about the color or suit and then, you can boldly tell
him the exact identity of his card.
As in the other routines, never read the last horizontal row.  If the chosen card is not in the frst four, than you already
know it’s in the ffth. Also,  at the beginning of the routine, in the unlikely event that the card your friend’s card is not in
the frst fve vertical columns, you know immediately it is one of the margin cards – either the KH or the 10C. Tell him he
probably just didn’t hear you call it out and that you will dispense with the deck. Ask him to write down the name of the
card he is thinking of and proceed to name it.
Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick
© Copyright 2003 by TRICKSHOP.COM INC.  eManuscript (not for resale)
This effect is exactly the same as The Five Card Mental Selection already explained, except it is performed with a jumbo
deck of cards – making it better suited to stage work.
With clear Scotch® tape,  attach the top and bottom edges to the face of the KH at the upper
left corner. It should be positioned, so the top edge of the gimmick is aligned with the top edge
of the letter K. The left edge of the gimmick should extend 1/16” beyond the left edge of the
jumbo card. See Figure 10.
After discarding the Joker and the 10C, mark the same fve cards on the back and arrange the
deck in the exact same order as the regular size deck. While the general presentation and patter
are the same as described earlier, due the size and weight of the jumbo deck, some modifcations
in the handling are required.
Begin with the card box lying on your table (duplicate back design up) with the open lid toward the audience.  The KH
gimmick is face down on top of the box with the gimmicked end of the card away from the audience. The deck is on top
of,  and crosswise to, the KH gimmick and box. When you’re ready to do the trick, lift the deck straight up – taking care not
to cause the KH gimmick underneath to slide off the box sideways and become exposed.
As in the regular routine described earlier, distribute ten cards each to fve different spectators. Each spectator then
shuffes the cards he/she holds before mentally selecting one.  Have the ffth spectator or a sixth, gather up the deck and
mix them as best he can before returning the deck to you. Holding the deck with the faces toward you,  separate the deck
so you hold a portion in each hand. Transfer the cards off and on, back and forth – mixing the cards in an offhand manner.
Afterward, lay the deck face down on top of the card box – aligning it with the KH gimmick and the box. Take care not to
expose the bottom card of the deck when putting the deck down.
After reviewing what has happened (time misdirection), pick up the deck along with the KH gimmick – immediately
covering the KH gimmick with your left hand.  Hold the cards with the faces toward you.  Proceed as in the regular routine.
Whenever it’s necessary to mix or cut the cards, your left hand provides cover for the gimmick at the upper left edge of
the deck.  When you’re ready to cut the KH gimmick back to the bottom, riffe the edge of the deck until your left thumb
comes in contact with the extended edge of the gimmick.
If you plan on using the gimmick permanently with jumbo cards,  you can mark the left edge of the Fox Gimmick with a
dark line. This makes it even easier to visually spot the gimmicked card in the deck, so it can be cut to the bottom.
One fnal point, like their smaller counterparts, jumbo card boxes are constructed of thin
cardboard. As a result, the empty box is not really designed to hold the weight of a jumbo
deck on top, as demanded by this routine. That’s why, Paul Fox suggested making a “form” out
of a piece of tin and gluing it inside the card box to reinforce it.  This form is shown in Figure
11. It must ft tight – giving the deck suffcient clearance to easily go in and out of the box.
Figure 10
Figure 11
– 10 –


Before we start, you will need a set of four jokers and two advertising
cards. Let’s also pretend that * means the card which will be predicted.
 Starting from the top: Advertising card–2 jokers–10 indifferent cards–
*–9 indifferent cards–*–9 indifferent cards–*–9 indifferent cards–*5
indifferent cards–2 jokers–Advertising card.

When a number is called that ends from 5-9(ex. 5,15,18,29), tell the
spectator to deal from the bottom.
When a number is called that ends from 0-4(ex. 10, 11,14,23), tell the
spectator to deal from the top. 

$ represents jokers
AD   represents advertising card
When dealt from the bottom

-Numbers that end with

* 5,6  = Remove $,$,AD

*7,8 = Remove AD

*9   = No Card Remove

When dealt from the top

– Numbers that end with

* 10,11 = Remove $,$,AD

* 12,13 = Remove AD

* 14 = No Card Remove

*NOTE: Here is another way to make sure the spectator doesn’t call  the
number “3” or “48”. Here’s what you say: “I want you to think of a 2
digit number between 1-52, and don’t make it easy for me by saying a
number like 47, because it’s really close to the edge of the deck, just
think of a harder number, somewhere in between.” By saying these exact







MAGIC TRICK “any card at any number” by Bill Nagler

1.  Spectator can pick any number from 1 to 52.
2.  Entire deck is face down, so deck can be spread across the table and the card counted to
(and this looks better anyway).
For the J/K deck, discard the jokers, they are not used.
Arrange the red cards into 13 pairs of (JD/KD + JH/KH).
Arrange the black cards into 13 pairs of (JC/KC + JS/KS).
Place the 26 red cards face down onto the 26 face-down black cards, so all of the cards are face
As you can see, if a number from 1 to 26 is chosen, you can count to a red court card. If the
number is from 27 to 52, you can count to a black court card.
The other two decks would be made up of 7/9 cards (deck 2) and the 8/10 cards (deck 3) and
arranged the same way, reds on top of blacks.
All three decks are in various pockets. At the proper time one of the decks will be removed (this is
different than Bill’s original idea) of having a deck out from the beginning, however, my idea can
also be used if you want to do that – you simply have to force the appropriate deck).
1.  Have the spectator pick any number from 1 to 52.  
2.  Once you have the number, you know which color you have to force (i.e., 1 to 26, force red,
27 to 52, force black.
Do it this way:
Tell the spectator to imagine he is holding all the red cards in his left hand and all the black
cards in his right hand.
Ask him to hand you either half.  
Interpret his actions to force the color you need.
For example, if you want to force red and he hands you the imaginary black cards, tell him
he has kept the red cards and you’ll use those.
If he hands you the red cards, say you’ll use the red cards.
3.  In this and each additional step, always emphasize the color you are dealing with so no one
forgets the first step.
In this step you use Bill Nagler’s elimination procedure force all cards above 6.
4.  At this point, the spectators can choose 7, 8, 9, 10, J, K or Q of whatever color you forced
back in step 2. You have three decks in your pockets, a J/K deck, an 8/10 deck and a 7/9 deck. This
means you have to use Equivoque to have one of those decks chosen.  
Do that.
5.  No remove the deck from your pocket, uncase it and spread it face down across the table.  
Up to this point you’ve used a free choice once (the number), a very disguised Equivoque
once (the color), and a more bare-faced Equivoque a few times to get to J/K, 8/10 or 7/9.
From here on in, you want to really cloud the memory of the spectators as to what has
happened and you can do that easily since their actual choices are used.
Assume the J/K deck is spread on the table.  
Ask the spectator if they want a jack or a king (use the color in play). Ask them if they want
to change their minds.
Assume red is in play. Ask them if they want a diamond or a heart. Ask them if they want to
change their minds.
Emphasize that they called out a number from 1 to 52 and they could have changed their
Now slowly count along the spread of cards and reveal their card.
For example, the top two cards are the KH/JH, KD/JD. Any one of these values can be
shown for the number 1. You can count 1 and show the first card. You can count 1 and
show the next card.
Notes end here for now.